Redshift on Ubuntu 16.04
I was working late recently and realized I don’t have f.lux installed on this machine. Turns out getting it installed on ubuntu is actually a bit annoying and there isn’t a native port in the canonical packages, so I looked for an alternative.
Everyone talks about RedShift but a quick config-less setup was not easily found.
Here’s ultimately how I got it going fast:
# Install redshift.
sudo apt-get install redshift gtk-redshift geoclue
# If you don't have one already create a config folder.
mkdir -p ~/.config
In ~/.config
create a file called redshift.conf
and put the following
; Global settings for redshift
; Set the day and night screen temperatures
; Enable/Disable a smooth transition between day and night
; 0 will cause a direct change from day to night screen temperature.
; 1 will gradually increase or decrease the screen temperature
; Set the screen brightness. Default is 1.0
; It is also possible to use different settings for day and night since version
; 1.8.
; Set the screen gamma (for all colors, or each color channel individually)
; Set the location-provider. Type 'redshift -l list' to see possible values.
; The location provider settings are in a different section.
; Set the adjustment-method: 'randr', 'vidmode'
; type 'redshift -m list' to see all possible values
; 'randr' is the preferred method, 'vidmode' is an older API
; but works in some cases when 'randr' does not.
; The adjustment method settings are in a different section.
; Configuration of the location-provider:
; type 'redshift -l PROVIDER:help' to see the settings
; ex: 'redshift -l manual:help'
; set these values if you've set the location-provider to manual instead of
; geoclue
; Configuration of the adjustment-method
; type 'redshift -m METHOD:help' to see the settings
; ex: 'redshift -m randr:help'
Now if you start it, it should work :)